Sunny 2022
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
90 Claudia Canellas Valero Line Social Youth Female 1 1 2 1 ESP
83 Rosa Catala Garcia Line Social Youth Female 2 2 1 2 ESP
91 Paula Magro Servera Line Social Youth Female 3 3 3 3 ESP
85 Isabel Escanelles Arrom Line Social Youth Female 4 5 4 4 ESP
87 Carla Pascual Gaya Line Social Youth Female 5 4 5 7 ESP
77 Sofia Chittano Line Social Youth Female 5 IT
84 Aina Escanelles Arrom Line Social Youth Female 6 7 5 ESP
86 Magdalena Gaya Adrover Line Social Youth Female 7 6 6 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
88 Paula Femenias Batle Line Social Teen Female 1 1 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
81 Edouard Boscher Line Social Adult Male 1 1 1 1 FR
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
43 Giovanna Vera Maria D Ambra Line Social Silver Female 1 1 2 1 IT
39 Concetta Rescigno Line Social Silver Female 2 2 1 3 IT
40 Sabrina Mirabella Line Social Silver Female 3 4 4 2 IT
44 Grazia Daniela Coppa Line Social Silver Female 4 3 3 4 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
38 Santo Piticchio Line Social Gold Male 1 1 1 1 IT
15 Wolfgang Chevalier Line Social Gold Male 2 2 2 2 CH
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
42 Rosalba Antonella Errante Line Social Gold Female 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
74 Martina  Forteza Nicolau Line Classic Teen Newcomer Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
75 Claudia  Barcelo Grimalt Line Classic Teen Newcomer Female 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
50 Antonio Ramon  Line Classic Adult Newcomer Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
72 Joana Maria  Cortes Vives Line Classic Adult Newcomer Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
76 Maria Antonia Adrover Gomila Line Classic Adult Newcomer Female ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
71 Neus Garrido Bozada Line Classic Adult Novice Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
37 Aukse Klapatauskyte Line Classic Adult Intermediate Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LIT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
60 Unai Pino Navarro Line Classic Adult Advanced Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
11 Benedetta Fighera Line Classic Adult Advanced Female 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 IT
20 Julia Schmid Line Classic Adult Advanced Female 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 GER
16 Audrey Vergnes Line Classic Adult Advanced Female 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 FR
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
53 Joana Maria Romero Line Classic Crystal Novice Female 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 ESP
51 Balbina Sanchez Izquierdo Line Classic Crystal Novice Female 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 ESP
30 Sandrine Debeure Line Classic Crystal Novice Female 3 2 4 2 3 1 2 FR
19 Frida Sellbom Larsson Line Classic Crystal Novice Female 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 SWE
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
34 Bernhard Wulff Line Classic Crystal Intermediate Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GER
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
4 Federica Bolpagni Line Classic Diamond Newcomer Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
73 Maria Angeles Collado Leal Line Classic Diamond Novice Female 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ESP
45 Grazia Rizzo Line Classic Diamond Novice Female 2 2 1 3 1 2 IT
32 Angelika Wulff Line Classic Diamond Novice Female 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 GER
63 Anunciacion Aguado Line Classic Diamond Novice Female 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
7 Monia Di Bella Line Classic Diamond Advanced Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
89 Ingela Kareliusson  Line Classic Silver Newcomer Female 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 SWE
25 Maria Sjoberg Line Classic Silver Newcomer Female 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 SWE
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
5 Dagmar Raddatz Line Classic Silver Novice Female 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 GER
56 Montserrat Garcia Line Classic Silver Novice Female 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
66 Judith Esteban Line Classic Silver Intermediate Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
29 Giusimaria Raciti Line Classic Silver Intermediate Female 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 IT
2 Natalia Martinez Kardeskog Line Classic Silver Intermediate Female SWE
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
22 Klaus Mayr Line Classic Silver Advanced Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GER
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
31 Laurence Ginja Martinho Line Classic Silver Advanced Female FR
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
18 Annchristin Rendahl Line Classic Gold Newcomer Female 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 SWE
78 Brigitte Wulff Line Classic Gold Newcomer Female 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 GER
62 Silvia Carretero Quevedo Line Classic Gold Newcomer Female 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 ESP
61 Lola Espinosa Alonso Line Classic Gold Newcomer Female 4 4 3 5 3 4 4 ESP
58 Maria Pons Miquel Line Classic Gold Newcomer Female 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
47 Roberto Martin Alfonso Line Classic Gold Novice Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
12 Monika Gonin Frischknecht Line Classic Gold Novice Female 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 CH
48 Mercedes Odero Duarte Line Classic Gold Novice Female 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 ESP
64 Anabel Pais Azaldegui Line Classic Gold Novice Female 3 2 1 3 1 2 4 ESP
59 Catalina  Martorell Matas Line Classic Gold Novice Female 4 4 6 7 6 6 3 ESP
36 Concettina Calabretta Line Classic Gold Novice Female 5 8 5 5 5 5 IT
79 Pierangela Raciti Line Classic Gold Novice Female 6 4 8 4 8 IT
57 M Eugenia Lorente Line Classic Gold Novice Female 7 7 6 7 5 6 ESP
55 Olga Adrian Hernandez Line Classic Gold Novice Female 5 9 9 8 4 7 ESP
52 Maria Barcelo Line Classic Gold Novice Female 9 8 4 9 7 9 ESP
46 Claudine Chaudret Line Classic Gold Novice Female 10 8 10 FR
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
54 Pedro Gallardo Line Classic Gold Advanced Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Classic A Classic B Showc. C Showc. D Medley E       Country
26 Emil Zetterstrom Line Classic MegaStar Male 1 1 1 SWE
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Classic A Classic B Showc. C Showc. D Medley E       Country
3 Helene Callmyr Line Classic Sapphire Female 1 1 SWE
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
60 Unai Pino Navarro Line Showcase Adult Male 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
11 Benedetta Fighera Line Showcase Adult Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
20 Julia Schmid Line Showcase Adult Female 2 2 2 2 2 2 GER
16 Audrey Vergnes Line Showcase Adult Female 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 FR
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Lilt Smooth Rise & Fall Cuban Funky Novelty     Country
7 Monia Di Bella Line Showcase Diamond Female 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
74 Martina  Forteza Nicolau Line Modern Teens Basic ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
60 Unai Pino Navarro Line Modern Teens Ace 1 1 2 1 ESP
37 Aukse Klapatauskyte Line Modern Teens Ace 2 2 1 2 LIT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
71 Neus Garrido Bozada Line Modern Adults Basic 1 1 1 1 ESP
50 Antonio Ramon  Line Modern Adults Basic 2 2 2 2 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
73 Maria Angeles Collado Leal Line Modern Chrome Basic 1 1 1 1 ESP
51 Balbina Sanchez Izquierdo Line Modern Chrome Basic 2 2 4 2 ESP
53 Joana Maria Romero Line Modern Chrome Basic 3 3 2 4 ESP
4 Federica Bolpagni Line Modern Chrome Basic 4 4 5 3 IT
63 Anunciacion Aguado Line Modern Chrome Basic 3 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
5 Dagmar Raddatz Line Modern Platinum Basic 1 1 1 2 GER
64 Anabel Pais Azaldegui Line Modern Platinum Basic 2 5 2 1 ESP
59 Catalina  Martorell Matas Line Modern Platinum Basic 3 2 4 3 ESP
12 Monika Gonin Frischknecht Line Modern Platinum Basic 4 3 3 4 CH
52 Maria Barcelo Line Modern Platinum Basic 5 4 6 5 ESP
49 Lucia Gabriella Carrozza Line Modern Platinum Basic 6 5 7 IT
61 Lola Espinosa Alonso Line Modern Platinum Basic 6 7 6 ESP
58 Maria Pons Miquel Line Modern Platinum Basic 8 8 8 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall A B C           Country
66 Judith Esteban Line Modern Platinum Ace 1 1 1 1 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall                 Country
34 (1) Bernhard Wulff Line Choreography Country Newcomer/Novice Rusty Old Bronco 1 GER
34 (2) Bernhard Wulff Line Choreography Country Newcomer/Novice Wrong Direction 2 GER
32 (1) Angelika Wulff Line Choreography Country Newcomer/Novice Hypa Hypa 3 GER
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall                 Country
20 (1) Julia Schmid Line Choreography Country Intermediate/Advanced Fire & Water 1 GER
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall                 Country
82 (1) Joan Morro Vallori Line Choreography Non-Country Newcomer/Novice Mon Amour 1 ESP
73 (1) Maria Angeles Collado Leal Line Choreography Non-Country Newcomer/Novice Salsa Flamenca 2 ESP
73 (2) Maria Angeles Collado Leal Line Choreography Non-Country Newcomer/Novice Tacones Rojos 3 ESP
73 (3) Maria Angeles Collado Leal Line Choreography Non-Country Newcomer/Novice My Heart 4 ESP
73 (4) Maria Angeles Collado Leal Line Choreography Non-Country Newcomer/Novice Todo de ti 5 ESP
82 (2) Joan Morro Vallori Line Choreography Non-Country Newcomer/Novice Slow Mo ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall                 Country
82 (2) Joan Morro Vallori Line Choreography Non-Country Intermediate/Advanced If The World 1 ESP
82 (1) Joan Morro Vallori Line Choreography Non-Country Intermediate/Advanced Body On My Mind 2 ESP
37 (1) Aukse Klapatauskyte Line Choreography Non-Country Intermediate/Advanced Good Feeling 3 LIT
73 (1) Maria Angeles Collado Leal Line Choreography Non-Country Intermediate/Advanced Mamacita Lalala 4 ESP
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall                 Country
60 Unai Pino Navarro Line Classic Open Adult Advanced 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 ESP
11 Benedetta Fighera Line Classic Open Adult Advanced 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 IT
16 Audrey Vergnes Line Classic Open Adult Advanced FR
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall                 Country
7 Monia Di Bella Line Classic Open Diamond Advanced 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
80 Sebastian Raab and Laura Dominguez Couple Classic Adult Novice 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
68 John Michelsen and Sue Chick Michelsen Couple Classic Adult Advanced 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
33 Bernhard Wulff and Angelika Wulff Couple Classic Crystal Novice 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GER
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
27 Massimo Fossati and Sonia Preite Couple Classic Diamond Newcomer 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
23 Klaus Mayr and Daniela Schmid Couple Classic Silver Novice 1 1 1 1 1 GER
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
1 Ingemar Martinez Kardeskog and Natalia Martinez Kardeskog Couple Classic Silver Advanced 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SWE
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Classic A Classic B Showc. C Showc. D Medley E       Country
17 Vittorio Anelli and Giulia Testaferrata Couple Classic Champions 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
1 Ingemar Martinez Kardeskog and Natalia Martinez Kardeskog Couple Showcase Silver 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SWE
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
77 Sofia Chittano and Vittorio Anelli ProAm Classic Youth Newcomer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
21 Julia Schmid and Barry Arbeider ProAm Classic Adult Novice 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GER
6 Renata De Biasi and Alessandro Ballardin ProAm Classic Adult Novice 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 IT
35 Sebastian Raab and Giulia Testaferrata ProAm Classic Adult Novice 3 2 1 3 3 3 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
69 John Michelsen and Melissa Fox ProAm Classic Adult Advanced USA
70 Sue Chick Michelsen and Josh Zuniga ProAm Classic Adult Advanced USA
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
6 Renata De Biasi and Alessandro Ballardin ProAm Classic Diamond Novice 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
8 Monia Di Bella and Vittorio Anelli ProAm Classic Diamond Intermediate 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
65 Paul Grande and Vickie Rose ProAm Classic Diamond Advanced 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
14 Monika Gonin Frischknecht and Roy Hoeben ProAm Classic Silver Newcomer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CH
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
9 Tambriz Deambrosi and Giulia Testaferrata ProAm Classic Silver Intermediate 1 1 1 1 1 1 CH
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
65 Paul Grande and Vickie Rose ProAm Classic Silver Advanced 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
14 Monika Gonin Frischknecht and Roy Hoeben ProAm Classic Gold Newcomer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CH
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
10 Lucia Dellutri and Vittorio Anelli ProAm Classic Gold Intermediate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
65 Paul Grande and Vickie Rose ProAm Classic Gold Advanced 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
70 Sue Chick Michelsen and Josh Zuniga ProAm Showcase Adult 1 1 1 1 USA
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Triple Two Polka Night Club Cha Cha Waltz Two Step East Coast Swing West Coast Swing Country
67 Josh Zuniga and Donna Whiteley ProPro Classic Adult 1 1 1 1 1 1 USA
Competitors Name Type Style Level   Gender Overall Technique Presentation Choreography           Country
41 All you can Dance (and Drink) Team Social Open Age 1 1 1 1 IT